H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! ! !
And a Big hello to all the lovely people who commented on my last update and have since started following my blog!
I had a lovely Christmas (involving a trip to Paris and the circus! More about that soon!) and am now back in the studio working away on lots of exciting, and sadly for the moment, TOP SECRET things which I hope to share with you soon!
But first, some NEWS:

FANTASTIC FRANKIE and the BRAIN-DRAIN MACHINE written by Anna Kemp and illustrated by me is out now available to
buy and, most excitingly it's been nominated for the
Waterstone's Children's Book Prize. The winner will be announced on 9th Feb!

And on Friday I had an email from my lovely french publisher Editions Nord-Sud telling me that the french language version of my book
EGG is publishing next month under the BRILLIANT title
'Omelette Surprise!'
The above image is a New Year greetings card they've made to promote the book!