I'm alive!
I've just had the busiest couple of months finishing the illustrations for two young fiction books for Meadowside Children's Books. They are called 'The BADDIE' and 'The Horrible Princess' and are written by the brilliant Anna Maxted. I found these books hilarious and exciting and from the moment I read the first chapter I knew I had to illustrate them. I had a lot of fun drawing the pictures and I hope if you buy the books you will enjoy them as much as I did.
I've also been hard at work on a few more projects which unfortunately have to be kept TOP SECRET still and I can't tell you anything about them just yet, but when I can I will.
In the mean time, above are two pictures from my new People Sketchbook.
I love people watching so have decided to start this sketchbook to record some of the types of people I see to use as reference in my work, and also to keep me drawing and painting things other than the work I'm doing professionally.
So here we have two very different sorts of doctors and the barber I saw the other day who was terrifying and amusing in equal measure. He was absolutely enormous, yet kept his little finger flexed at all times like an Edwardian lady sipping afternoon tea. Most odd...
More People to come...
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