Am busy, busy, busy at the moment and unfortunately most of it is at the TOP SECRET stage so I can really show you much of it ... so as special treat I though I'd show you what my studio looks like! (Try to contain yourselves please.)
Now I'm not joking when I say my studio is just a smidge bigger than a stamp - you could probably fit it in your lunch box if you tried. Saying that however, it might be small but my goodness have I managed to pack some stuff into it...
Above: Here's my inspiration wall. ( that's a posh way of way a couple of bits of string nailed to the wall with all sorts of bits hanging from it so I don't lose them...) The lady in the photograph is one of my Grandmothers - Alice, looking rather stylish in a wool coat.
Above: The Desk.
This is actually quite tidy. The penguin toy is one I'm in the middle of making. The open sketch book is one from a holiday in France last summer - I got it out to look for a man's face I'd doodled which I thought would be just right for something I'm working on. Note the bookshelves- absolute disgrace.

Above: This is the corner with the inspiration pin boards - another place for me to put nice things to look at/things I must not lose.

Above: Vintage suitcases.
These contain a massive collection of trinkets and treasures. Fabric for scanning, buttons, ribbons and mini pom-poms. All waiting to be used one day in a book or to be made into a toy or something.
The middle one was, I think, the suitcase my grandmother used to come over from Ireland in the 1930s. It still has her name written on the inside.
Well I hoped you enjoyed that little tour! Now I've found/bought a new thingy for uploading my pics to the internet I'll try and post pictures more often. Right... back to work and that means absolutely not making a detour via the packet of Party Ring biscuits in the kitchen...
Party Rings are what god ate on his day off, I think
ReplyDeleteAmen to that!